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Google Duo Hits Milestone Record Of Over 10million Downloads Just Within 1 month Of Launch

Google Duo Hits Milestone Record Of Over 10million Downloads Just Within 1 month Of Launch - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Google Duo Hits Milestone Record Of Over 10million Downloads Just Within 1 month Of Launch we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Google Duo Hits Milestone Record Of Over 10million Downloads Just Within 1 month Of Launch

Google Duo app for android is the new end to end, simple interface video calling app that was launched by Google exactly 1 month ago.

Exactly 1 month of launching the Google Duo, Google Product Lead for Google Real Time Communications, Amit Fulay has taken to Twitter to announce a milestone record of over 10million users of Google Duo already; and he Twitted as follows;

Google Duo is over 10M users on android, thanks for the love…#GoogleDuo #Duo

And what that simply means is that over 10million android users have within a month downloaded Google Duo video app after launch.

What a huge record already for the Google Duo app that many have thought would be difficult to break-in in the midst of other highly rated video apps like Skype and the rest.

Though this is just one month and Google is expecting more downloads and users in the coming months, also time shall tell on how well the Google Duo App will fare.

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Google Duo as stated has a very simple interface, once installed; it immediately brings video to forefront.

It has a feature called Knock Knock, which allows you to see the caller first with live preview before going ahead to pick the call.

Google Duo video quality is crispy and up to 720p display and was designed to adjust automatically for uninterrupted video calling even in the midst of poor network signals. 
With cross-platform operation, with a single Google Duo app, users on android and iOS can mingle and inter-mingle.

The Google Duo app is already available for all in Google Store and if you are yet to try it out to witness how it function, you can quickly head over Play Store and download yours and start inviting friends as all you will be needing is just their phone numbers for the invitation and usage.

so much information Google Duo Hits Milestone Record Of Over 10million Downloads Just Within 1 month Of Launch

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Related : Google Duo Hits Milestone Record Of Over 10million Downloads Just Within 1 month Of Launch

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