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No Carb Lasagna

No Carb Lasagna - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information No Carb Lasagna we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Article bake and serve, Article chopped meat, Article healthy food, Article lasagna, Article low carbohydrate, Article meatloaf, Article musakka, Article Shabbat food,

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No Carb Lasagna

OK, I admit that it sounds a bit like an oxymoron, since we all know that lasagna is basically a pasta dish in which you layer the large pasta pieces with anything from vegetables to meat. But the main course I made for tomorrow's lunch, aka Shabbat morning, sticks to the layering, but instead of pasta, I used vegetables. You can also consider this a version of moussaka.

So, for the simple instructions, I simply layered the bottom of the baking pan with eggplant. Then I added the chopped meat mixed with tomato paste, chopped onion, garlic and an egg (for easier mixing.) Then I topped it off with squash.

Yes, it's that simple. I baked it until you can see the meat leaving the sides of the pan and smelling great. This heats very easily and can also be frozen.

This is really easy to make, and as you see, with a bake and serve pan, I'm saving on dishwashing, muss and fuss.

This can be called a fancy meatloaf, too. It's all in the labeling...

Meat for Meatloaf, Moussaka, Lasagna etc:
Can be doubled, tripled, halved etc, of course.

  • about a pound and a third- I used 600 gram- chopped meat
  • 1 medium onion, cut into small pieces
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup tomato concentrate  (of course you can use fresh, but I was in a rush)
  • generous sprinkling of  granulated garlic (of course you can use fresh, but I was in a rush)
Yes, it's that simple, very healthy and always delicious. Beef is tastier than ground chicken IMHO, but some people prefer chicken. If you can get ground turkey, that's good too. 

I don't buy packaged ground meat, of any type. I watch the guy grinding it in the machine, since the packaged usually has additives and junk.

so much information No Carb Lasagna

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