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How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code

How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code

Yes, you can actually transfer some bit of your Etisalat data bundle to your friends and family etisalat line just in similar manner you transfer airtime them.

It is important to note that before you can transfer Etisalat data from your normal Etisalat data bundle subscription, you must at least 100MB data balance on your Etisisalat line, and in addition to that, you can only transfer between 10MB to 50MB at once and subscribers are allowed to transfer only 5 times in a day.

To achieve the transfer, you are required to input alongside the transfer code a 4 digit secrete PIN code and the default Etisalat transfer PIN is 0000.

However, it is often advisable to change this default transfer PIN to your own personal secret PIN code.

Many Etisalat subscribers have often demanded to know how they can change the Etisalat default transfer PIN to their secret PIN and that is exactly what are going to be showing you today.

To change your Etistalat default transfer PIN code, all you need to do is to dial *247*DefaultCode*NewPINCode#

For example, since we said that the default code is 0000,to change it to your person secret PIN code let say 0987 you have to dial as follows *247*0000*0987#

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Once the PIN code change is successful, you can now use it when transferring data.

fact it is the same method that you used in changing your Etisalat airtime transfer PIN code, and if it appears that you have already changed your Etisalat airtime transfer PIN code before, then you don’t really need to change anything again and you can go straight ahead to use the same PIN code for Etisalat data transfer.

Finally, you can transfer Etisalat data by dialling as follows *229*RecipientEtisalatNumber*DataVolume*PIN#

For example if you want to transfer 30MB from your 100MB or above data balance to this etisalat number 08091234567 and we assumed that your transfer PIN code is given as 0987 then you should dial as follows *229*08091234567*30*0987#

so much information How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code

hopefully the infromation that we show for you about How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code can provide the latest knowledge about the gadgets you need in everyday life.

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Related : How To Change Etisalat Data Transfer PIN Code

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