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Etisalat New Evening And Weekend Data Plans That Give 2GB and 5GB Of Data

Etisalat New Evening And Weekend Data Plans That Give 2GB and 5GB Of Data - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Etisalat New Evening And Weekend Data Plans That Give 2GB and 5GB Of Data we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Etisalat New Evening And Weekend Data Plans That Give 2GB and 5GB Of Data

Etisalat has yet again launched another sets of data plans that are tagged as Etisalat Evening and weekend plan, which allows all Etisalat subscribers to get 2GB for N1,000 and 5GB for N2,000 worth of data.

The new Etisalat evening data and weekend plan are monthly data plans that start weekdays from 7PM to 7AM the next day and 24/7 on weekends.

The 5GB for N2000 evening and weekend data plan also includes free monthly Whatsapp chatting data.

These are coming in the heel after Etisalat recently launched the night data plan of /2016/08/etisalat-1gb-for-n200-night-data-plan.html" target="_blank">1GB for N200

Must Read: /2016/08/how-to-change-etisalat-data-transfer.html" target="_blank">How to change Etisalat data transfer PIN code

To subscribe for the Etisalat 2GB for N1,000 evening and weekend data plan, all you need is to recharge your Etisalat line with N1,000 and dial the subscription code *229*3*12#

Then for those interested in the Etisalat 5GB for N2000 evening and weekend data plus free 100MB WhatsApp plan, they should recharge their etisalat line with N2000 and dial the subscription code *229*3*13#

Would you rock those Etisalat new weekend and weekdays data plans?

so much information Etisalat New Evening And Weekend Data Plans That Give 2GB and 5GB Of Data

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Related : Etisalat New Evening And Weekend Data Plans That Give 2GB and 5GB Of Data

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