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Filming the Action During Yom Ha'atzmaut Prayers, 5776

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Filming the Action During Yom Ha'atzmaut Prayers, 5776

Over the years I've taken some amazing photographs during the Yom  Ha'atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) Prayers in the large Shiloh Mishkan (Tabernacle) Synagogue. Those years I would  make a point of sitting front and center in the Ezrat Nashim (Women's Gallery) where I'd have a bird's eye view of the joyful singing and dancing. But this year for various reasons, I decided to sit a bit further back, though on the aisle so I could easily, at least so I had thought, get to the front to photograph the dancing and shofar blowing.

When the "action" began I didn't rush up. I didn't feel like being pushy, but then all of a sudden I realized that this isn't my year to take all those great pictures. And then I decided that photographing the other women photographing the dancing would be a very good substitute. So, here they are.

Shofar blowing from last Yom Ha'atzmaut, 5775.

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