Over the years I've taken some amazing photographs during the Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) Prayers in the large Shiloh Mishkan (Tabernacle) Synagogue. Those years I would make a point of sitting front and center in the Ezrat Nashim (Women's Gallery) where I'd have a bird's eye view of the joyful singing and dancing. But this year for various reasons, I decided to sit a bit further back, though on the aisle so I could easily, at least so I had thought, get to the front to photograph the dancing and shofar blowing.
When the "action" began I didn't rush up. I didn't feel like being pushy, but then all of a sudden I realized that this isn't my year to take all those great pictures. And then I decided that photographing the other women photographing the dancing would be a very good substitute. So, here they are.
Shofar blowing from last Yom Ha'atzmaut, 5775.
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