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Earthquake felt in Kathmandu (December 18, 2014)

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Earthquake felt in Kathmandu (December 18, 2014)

Nepali authorities are known to have recorded a magnitude of 5.9 at epicenter 27.86 N, 86.55 E at 9:17 pm today which was also felt in Bhutan and some parts of New York. 

While Indian Government have reported the magnitude of the earthquake be 5.2 and the epicenter to be at lat 27.6 N Long 86.4 E. posts that 4.7 magnitude earthquake rocked the Everest Khumbu area (East of Kathmandu) which is located at around 28 km west of Namche bazar. They called it a dangerous one due to the shallow depth of 10 km and it could have triggered major landslides in such area with snow capped mountains. Still there are no reports of any physical or human loss.

A mild Earthquake was felt in Kathmandu some minutes back today (December 18, 2014/ Poush 3, 2071). The tremor was felt for around twenty seconds at 9:18 pm, and the aftershock is yet to happen as known from the experience. People around my neighborhood are outside their home, with their panic heads. Pahilopost reports that the earthquake was also felt in Jhapa, Morang, Dolakha and Dhankuta.
More details are yet to come for the magnitude of the quake,  the epicenter and any physical destruction.
Kathmandu is one of the city with high earthquake risks due to the unplanned urban city and the little or no preparedness for such natural calamity. 

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