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Amazing Ninja of Windows Phone in search of his girlfriend

Amazing Ninja of Windows Phone in search of his girlfriend - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Amazing Ninja of Windows Phone in search of his girlfriend we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Amazing Ninja of Windows Phone in search of his girlfriend

Ninja of Windows Phone

    Let’s help Ninja find and reach his girlfriend! An interesting love story lies at the basis of the game Amazing Ninja of Windows Phone.  You play the role of a Ninja who finds out one day that his girlfriend has disappeared. She was held captive by an evil Witch and now, the Ninja has to run and jump endlessly so that to reach his Love.

    The game has both advantages and disadvantages. The game play with Amazing Ninja is challenging, but the graphics are minimal. While game play has appeal, what may turn many away is the ad-support. You have the customary ad banners that run across the bottom of the screen. In addition to the ad banners, you will also have a full-page ad that pops up from time to time.

The Process of the Game

    The little Ninja starts running as soon as you tap the screen. Game play with Amazing Ninja is an endless runner style where you have to jump through a series of passages and over bottomless crevices. To get your ninja to jump you will need to tap the screen and to have him jump in mid-air, tap the screen a second time. You will need to time the jumps accordingly to cleanly leap from passage to passage. Otherwise, if your ninja jumps too high or low and hit the wall the game is over.
You'll earn points for each successful jump and not all jumps are on the same level. You may have to jump up to reach the next passage or jump down to safely continue your journey. The game pace starts out of the gate with a good amount of zip and will increase the longer you survive. You will need to stay on your toes with this game because there is very little room for error.

    So you may get it right from Windows Phone Store. Apart from playing the game, Windows Phone provides the options in the main menu for Amazing Ninja to rate the game in Windows Phone Store and also to contact the developer and share the game.

so much information Amazing Ninja of Windows Phone in search of his girlfriend

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