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Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Will Switch To iPhone 6

Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Will Switch To iPhone 6 - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Will Switch To iPhone 6 we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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    Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Will Switch To iPhone 6

    Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Would Buy An iPhone 6, Specs of iPhone 6, iPhone 6 vs Andoird and Windows Phone

    "Curiosa" customer survey that  comes throught (Survata) Team, They asked to BlackBerry, Android and Windows Phone users if they would like to buy an "iPhone 6", The results are interesting and probably a big surprise. Then see how the thing is, as we posted the results middle of this post.

    6 Percent of BlackBerry users would like to buy the new iPhone, while if we ask people that have Android the percentage drops to 5%. Finally, only 3% of Windows Phone users would buy the iPhone 6, 3
    6% of iPhone 5 users said to possibly buy the new one, in the case of iPhone 5S the 18% of users actually gonna buy the New iPhone 6.

    Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Would Buy An iPhone 6, Specs of iPhone 6, iPhone 6 vs Andoird and Windows Phone

    This lack of interest from users of Windows Phone might be due to lack of news. As currently we know iPhone 6 is coming with a massive larger screen, and the resolution with NFC chip, and they also increase in the power level of hardware, but other things are same like Android and Windows Phones.

    Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Would Buy An iPhone 6, Specs of iPhone 6, iPhone 6 vs Andoird and Windows Phone

    I truly think that the survey just isn't to take it into account, The Survata Team asked 889 comsumers, a rather low figure. We also need to remember that the iPhone just isn't exactly cheap. The iPhone 6 seems to be more expensive than the current iPhone 5S, may be due to the increased screen size.

    Windows Phone in my point of view as much like iOS, An operating system that requires less hardware to work very well, It's also quite stable and often give little trouble. Clearly still has to improve and faster than the competition.

    so much information Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Will Switch To iPhone 6

    hopefully the infromation that we show for you about Only 3 Percent Of Windows Phone Users Will Switch To iPhone 6 can provide the latest knowledge about the gadgets you need in everyday life.

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