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Microsoft announces about joining 14 new OEMs since the release of Windows 8.1

Microsoft announces about joining 14 new OEMs since the release of Windows 8.1 - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Microsoft announces about joining 14 new OEMs since the release of Windows 8.1 we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Microsoft announces about joining 14 new OEMs since the release of Windows 8.1

Microsoft is definitely going through quite heavy changes currently and of course those changes are leading the development of the company towards great progress especially in terms of Windows Phone development. Thus in order to prove this with facts even firmer Microsoft came up with an official announcement about 14 new OEMs having joined it since the first collaboration with Qualcomm in February. 

In particular, the statement of Microsoft noted, "The choice of design, colors, features and price points is growing fast and fantastic news for Windows Phone fans around the world." So the best examples of those collaborations included Archos, KAZAM, BLU, Yezz, and the Harley-Davidson phone from NGM. All of these exemplars were presented during the recent IFA 2014 in Berlin and they do have their significant place and importance in Windows Phone market.

so much information Microsoft announces about joining 14 new OEMs since the release of Windows 8.1

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Related : Microsoft announces about joining 14 new OEMs since the release of Windows 8.1

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