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Albatross releases its fourth album titled "Ma ra Malai"

Albatross releases its fourth album titled "Ma ra Malai" - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Albatross releases its fourth album titled "Ma ra Malai" we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Albatross releases its fourth album titled "Ma ra Malai"

Albatross, the Nepali band that is in the rock scene for more than a decade, has released its fourth album named "Ma ra Malai" with a gig on March 29 at Tangal. During an era in middle of the decade, the band used to have its performance in almost all concerts happening in Kathmandu. They have even performed in many countries: UK, US, New York, Australia and more. With the vocal resembling Alternative band Incubus, poetic songs and hard energetic melody, Albatross is an established name in rockmandu from their popular songs like Hell's kitchen, Chihan ki pari, Farki Farki, Timi Bhane, Khaseka Tara, Abhiman and more. 
The new album consists of 8 songs: Ma ra Malai, Gari Khana Deu, Bhool, Adhar, Manav nai Danav, Afnai Sansar ma kina, Gari Khana deu part II and sagar. Out of which, title track has been released and is going good in the radio, topping the current chart. They have even released a medley of the songs from the album with which I have found the second song "Gari Khana deu I" as my another favorite, till I listen the whole songs after buying.
Band Members of Albatross are:
Shirish Dali: Vocal
Sunny Manandhar: Guitar
Avaya Siddi Bajracharya: Bass
Kismat Shrestha: Drums

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Related : Albatross releases its fourth album titled "Ma ra Malai"

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