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What is RAT Or Remote Access Trojan ?

What is RAT Or Remote Access Trojan ? - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information What is RAT Or Remote Access Trojan ? we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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What is RAT Or Remote Access Trojan ?

remote access trojan or rat
RAT stands for Remote Access Trojan or Remote Administration Tool. It is one of the most dangerous virus out their over the internet. Hacker can use RAT to get complete control to your computer. He can do basically anything with your computer. Using /search/label/RAT" target="_blank">RAT hacker can install /search/label/KEYLOGGER" target="_blank">keylogger and other malicious viruses remotely to your computer, infect files on your system and more. In this post i will tell you about what hacker can do with your computer using RAT and tell you about some commonly use RAT by hackers.

 What is RAT ?

As i have told you in my introduction paragraph RAT is Remote Access trojan. It is a peace of software or program which hacker uses to get complete control of your computer. It can be send to you in form of images, videos or any other files. Their are some RAT that even your antivirus software can not detect.  So always be sure about what you are downloading from the internet and never save or download files that anonymous user send you  over the mail or in chat room.

 What You Can do With RAT ?

Once a RAT is installed on any computer hacker can do almost anything with that computer. Some malicious task that you can do with RAT are listed below:
  • Infecting Files
  • Installing Keyloggers
  • Controlling Computer
  • Remotely start webcam, sounds, movies etc
  • Using your PC to attack Website (DDOS)
  • View Screen

 Harmless RAT or Good RAT

As you have seen how harmfull RAT are for your computer, but their are some good RAT which some of you might be using daily. You might have heard of TeamViewer, it is a software which you use to control some one's computer with his permission for file transfer, sharing your screen and more.

 Some Commonly Used RAT

  • ProRAT
  • CyberGate RAT
  • DarkComet RAT

More Hacking Tricks & Tips

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