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Camping at the beach.

Camping at the beach. - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Camping at the beach. we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Camping at the beach.

Last weekend I joined my aunt, uncle and my two cousins in a tent for some camping. Also along for the adventure were my "other family" (long story short: my mom's best friend married my mom's brother and we've "adopted" all of my aunts family as our own. And I love them). We camped on a site just off of a nearby beach. Good times ensued, including campfires, hammock swings, midnight bike rides on the beach (and being kicked off said beach by authorities), Starbucks trips, ocean kayaking, jumping off of rocky islands, dropping my purple aviators into the briny depths, and creepy old men in speedos.

I didn't take many pictures at the actual beach, as hauling around a D-SLR isn't really beach friendly, but here are some..

Jeep with kayak all ready to go.

My face distorted in jeep window. Interesting.

Literally no words for my love of this wee child.

Hammocks. What pirate doesn't love 'em.

The smaller Isabella. So cute.

My cousin let me use his bike for the midnight escapade.
He is younger than me by about nine years, but I had to lower the seat to reach the pedals.

 Sand and sun.

Mmmm. I love the beach. And there is nothing quite like waking up in a tent.
Great way to end my summer. School starts Monday, people.

so much information Camping at the beach.

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