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Neither dead nor dying...

Neither dead nor dying... - the world of technology is more advanced, we should be technically literate so as not left behind by others, in blogs Republic Gadget we will present updated information about technological developments, product reviews from various brands, now we will discuss first about this information Neither dead nor dying... we cover directly from reliable sources, please see:

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Neither dead nor dying...

Hey people of my blog, 

Just a heads up, I am not dead, nor am I dying.
My life is a little bit crazy right now and I sort of feel like there is more stuff to get done then there are hours for me to do it. Just a lot a lot of stuff going on. Not at all like a crisis or anything, don't worry! I'm totally fine! Just lots of school and other important aspects of my life that need to be focused on. 
One day I will post again with some consistency, I promise!
I have so many things I would like to write about and SO many things I want to take pictures of with my new camera.
Right now I just can't focus too much time on blogging. Gotta prioritize. Hurray for adulthood and real life situations requiring my attention!
One day I will live again here on this blog. But for now I have another essay to write and a lot of reading to do. And 46.2 billion other things. 

peace, love, and chaos;

so much information Neither dead nor dying...

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